Meet the Mole

Moles are fascinating but often misunderstood creatures, perfectly built for underground life. While they remain mysterious to many, research has shed light on their unique biology and behavior.

What Are Moles?

Moles are burrowing mammals found in North America, Europe, and Asia, belonging to the Talpidae family. Though often mistaken for rodents, they’re actually insectivores and are most closely related to shrews.

Moles live alone in elaborate tunnel systems, except during mating season (February–March) and when females raise young. After a 42-day pregnancy, females give birth to 2–7 pups in underground nests. The young are weaned in about five weeks and forced to disperse shortly after. Most stay within ¼ mile of their birthplace and reach maturity by the following spring.

Moles don’t hibernate, staying active year-round. In winter, they dig deeper tunnels to follow their food supply, often making surface activity less noticeable. Their lifespan averages 3.5 years, though some have lived up to six.

Reproduction & Life Cycle

What Do Moles Eat?

Moles primarily eat earthworms but also consume grubs, beetles, larvae, and other underground insects. Despite myths, they don’t eat plant roots or bulbs—rodents using their tunnels are usually to blame. Due to their high metabolism, moles eat 60–100% of their body weight daily.

Where Do Moles Live?

Moles prefer moist, loose soil that makes tunneling easier. While they naturally lived in forests, they thrive in suburban lawns due to the abundance of food. A well-maintained lawn—especially one that’s watered frequently—creates ideal mole habitat.

A mole’s home range can span an acre or more, with typical densities of 2–3 per acre (sometimes up to 5 in prime conditions).

How Do Moles Tunnel?

Moles create two types of tunnels:

  • Shallow tunnels: Found just below the surface, these feeding tunnels appear as raised ridges and often damage lawns by separating grass roots from the soil.

  • Deep tunnels: These underground highways connect feeding areas and appear on the surface as mounds rather than ridges. Some reach depths of 24 inches, particularly near tree roots where insect larvae are plentiful.

Moles continually expand their tunnels and mark them with scent. If a mole is removed, another will likely move in—making ongoing control necessary.